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Charlie Sykes

Plastic Free July is well underway with millions of people estimated to take on the challenge to reduce plastic usage! However, as much as we try to avoid using plastic, sometimes it is almost inevitable.

One of the biggest challenges is replacing one common kitchen item – bin liners. Fortunately, we have some suggestions to implement substitutes for using plastic bin liners!

PRO-TIP # 1 - The first way is to avoid buying plastic bin liners - instead reuse plastic bags acquired from shopping (if any) to line your bins. Which by the way, you should be using your own reusable shopping bags instead of acquiring plastic bags anyway!

PRO-TIP # 2 - Instead of using plastic bags or bin liners, you can line it with sheets of newspaper or purchasing certified compostable bin liners. Compostable bin liners are great for food waste and can go straight into your gardening waste bin! at AGC we use compostable bin liners for all of our events and kitchen areas that have wet food waste on site. #knowyourbins

Below are a few suggestions on certified compostable bin liners:


Onya offers compostable bin liners and reusable, eco-friendly packaging and items including bread bags, produce bags, coffee cups, sandwich wraps, shopping bags, etc. Their compostable bin liners come in sizes 8 litres up to 60 litres. 


Biome offers a wide range of eco-friendly, biodegradable plastic bags and compostable garbage bags, bin liners, dog waste bags and compost bags. Their bin liner sizes range from 8 litres to 240 litres!


Compost-A-Pak also offers bin liners, shopping bags and dog waste bags. Their bin liners come in a range of from sizes 8 litres to 240 litres as well! 

PRO-TIP # 3 - Freeze wet waste scraps in paper or a reusable container until it’s time to take out the trash, and composting food scraps at home. 

PRO-TIP # 4 - Last but not least, to reduce the necessity for bin liners altogether, it suggested that we should reduce as much waste as possible by recycling, composting and refusing plastic packaging! 

The tips given above encourages people to reconsider what plastic items are truly necessary and to raise awareness to help reduce and counter plastic pollution. 

According to an IPSOS survey, a total of 210 million people participated in the Plastic Free July challenge worldwide in July last year. That’s a pretty impressive amount of people! 

Not only that, the survey also found that the participants successfully reduced their household waste by 76kg on average per year, reduced their usage of recyclables by 28kg on average per year, and contributed to a total saving of 490 million kg of plastic waste each year!

All of us at AGC are huge advocates for reducing waste and sticking to our vision of making waste to landfill a thing of the past. We should all avoid producing unnecessary plastic waste in any way that we can, and if plastic usage is inevitable, let’s make sure it is thrown in right waste stream so it doesn’t end up in landfills!  #plasticfreejuly

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