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  • Charlie Sykes


It is becoming more and more clear that our planet needs more consideration from the population these days. Fast-paced living habits coming back to haunt as we see more calls for an environmentally-friendly healthy lifestyle. While it is easier for older generations to brush off the notion that small changes like banning plastic straws and cutlery will help, younger generations are all for the change. Having grown up in a time where recycling is deemed incredibly important and plastic waste is a known evil, being environmentally conscious has become part of our personalities and values.

The consumerism industry has noticed this shift in the new generation of consumers, and they are striving to make their products and services the most cost-efficient, environmentally friendly choice available. Australian supermarket giant Coles has made substantial changes to be more eco conscious. Recently, a Coles store in Chatswood, Sydney, unveiled an EcoStore refill station. The station allows customers to bring back clean and empty EcoStore product bottles like shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and laundry liquids, and refill them so there is no plastic wastage from these products.

Coles also recently started trialling a home-branded, refill station at one of their stores in Mondee Ponds, Melbourne. The station encourages customers to bring back their Surf and Omo branded 1.8/2L laundry liquid bottles to be refilled at a discounted price. The premise is to show customers how it can help them to save money and the planet at the same time. These changes along with smaller steps like local stores in Australia offering a “bring your own container” option for the deli and fruit or veggies section that makes life, not only easier but more environmentally focused. It is the forward movement of these ideas that make the future for our planet look a little bit brighter.

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